Sunday, May 23, 2010

A true-breeding tall, purple-flowered pea plant (TTPP) is crosses with a true-breeding dwarf, white-flowered..

plant (ttpp).

A. What is the phenotype of the F1 generation?

B. What is the genotype of the F1 generation?

C. What types of gametes do the F1 plants produce?

A true-breeding tall, purple-flowered pea plant (TTPP) is crosses with a true-breeding dwarf, white-flowered..
A. tall, purple (because these are the dominant traits)

B. TtPp - if you do the punnet square you will see that all the F1 offspring have this same genotype

C. The gametes could be TP, Tp, tP or tp, unless these characteristics are linked on the same chromosome in which case it depends on how close the linkage association is. But you probably don't need to get into all that!

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