Saturday, November 19, 2011

In pea plants, with the genes for flower color, purple flowers (P) are dominant over red (p). With the genes?

for pollen grain shape, long pollen grains (L) are dominant over round (l). Plants heterozygous for purple flowersand long pollen grains (PpLl) are test-crossed with the homozygous recessive (ppll). The following offspring are produced:

purple, long 118

red, round 122

purple, round 32

red, long 28

Are the genes for flower color and pollen grain shape on the same chromosome? Can you figure out how far apart they are on the chromosome?

In pea plants, with the genes for flower color, purple flowers (P) are dominant over red (p). With the genes?
They are linked on the same chromosome.

purple, long 118 = parental

red, round 122 = parental

purple, round 32 = recombinants

red, long 28 = recombinants

Total = 500

Total recombinants = 32+28 = 60.

% recombinants = 60/500 = 12%.

Cross over frequency = 12% = 12 centimorgan (abbreviated cM) or map unit (m.u.)

12 map units apart.

long shoe horns

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